This is perfect for soul-preneurs, business witches, & intuitive women who are ready to work in alignment with their birth chart for magic, wealth, & success.
This is your opportunity ...
to see your life & business from a higher perspective of the bigger picture
To achieve quantum results based on following your soul's path to success
To take aligned action that supports your energy rather than forcing or controlling
To know the exact areas of your life to focus on each month to feel in flow
You'll have a psychic, astrologer, & business strategist to consult with every month
Just like the Kings & Queens had an astrologer on their council ​
This is a fully tailored 1:1 monthly retainer
I'm meeting you where you are:
What goals or plans do you have for this month?
(not always business related)
Are you launching a program & desire auspicious days to make money with?
Is a new juicy soul aligned offer being birthed through you?
Are you pivoting or making big moves & need guidance on where to go, what to focus on first & how to get there?
Are you desiring new ways to connect with your manifestations?
Are you on a spiritual healing journey looking to transmute your past pain into power to rise like the Phoenix you are?
Are you looking to add magic into the mundane & deepen your relationship with your intuitive gifts?
Your Cosmic Consultant is the all in one package where you get access to my magical toolbox beyond just astrology​

​Decisions based on your astrological placements + timing of the transits
Best days to rest, host workshops, make sales, etc.
Become aware of your karmic patterns & ways to heal them so you don't repeat them
Learn WHY certain things happen when they do or did in the past​
Manifestation rituals
Reiki, protection, & energy cleansing
Tarot & oracle card readings
I receive answers through a clair-audient (ability to hear), clairvoyant (see), & clair-sentient (feel) channel
every month, you will:
Do a live 60 min. zoom call where we can plan out your month using your birth chart, + life & business coaching with Danielle
Check in support & follow up insights via messenger 1 day a week
As a bonus! You will get access to the Cosmic Channel Membership to do manifestation rituals on the New & Full Moon + receive weekly astrological guidance to align with your unique intentions & goals