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The stars are aligning for you all of 2024, 
let me show you how


alignment session

The 90 minute deep dive into the timeline of your birth chart for 3 months of the year that will...

Strategize your business in alignment with your birth chart. Together we will co-create offers, speak directly to your soulmate clients, & build systems for sustainable wealth using your unique placements & the transits. You'll know exact dates to launch your offers + how to navigate every eclipse + retrograde of the new year.  

Let's Get into it...

This strategy session is perfect for my soul-led CEO's who are ready to use their birth chart as their business partner to support their exponential expansion in wealth, impact, and clarity in life & business.

Are you ready to take the guessing out of it & have crystal clear insight of how you're meant to take action in your business every month in alignment with YOUR timeline for success?

Are you ready to stop "winging it" every quarter, throwing spaghetti at the wall & feeling imposter syndrome when it doesn't work & instead ...lead your business with confidence knowing exactly what to do, how to do it, & the direction your business is growing into next

Are you ready to start working smarter, NOT harder so you don't burn yourself out working AGAINST the current & instead... flow with the energy of the different seasons & set yourself up to make recurring matter what the cosmos are doing?

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For the first time ever - I am offering a quarterly reading bundle so you can LOCK IN your business astrology support for ALL of next year! 

How this works:

We meet for a 90 minute session every quarter to plan out the next 3 months in your life & business. You'll leave with an exact step by step guide on creating, marketing, & launching your offerings. Plus I will provide any other insights I feel is important for you to know to navigate those seasons in your life.

Each month between calls, you'll also have 1 follow up day in voxer with me to reflect on how things are going, where you're feeling stuck, & direction if you're pivoting from the original plan


Book a quarterly session or
 full year package below

Quarterly READING

90 minute session + 2 monthly voxer days for follow up support 


$199 per month for 3 months

$49 per week for 3 months

Purchase a yearly package

4 Quarterly Readings + 8 monthly voxer days for follow up support

best deal!


$185 per month for 12 months

$46 per week for 12 months

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